MLB Rumors: Former San Francisco Giants Catcher A Strong Candidate For Manager Role

The San Francisco Giants once again failed to make the playoffs for the third time in the run of Gabe Kapler, and with three games to go in the season, it ultimately cost him his job, and now, the team are looking for their Manager of the future.

They have already interviewed three internal candidates including Kai Correa and Alyssa Nakken, and now, it's being revealed that Stephen Vogt, a former All-Star catcher and San Francisco Giant is becoming a very strong candidate for the role.

Vogt, a veteran of 10-years at the big league level has always been considered a Manager of the future given his passion and talent as a leader, and now, if the Giants are looking to connect with their young core, perhaps a 38-year old with plenty of MLB experience is the way to go. 

Photo Credit: Brian Fluharty-USA TODAY Sports