Umpire Scorecard Released from Monday's Yankees vs Cardinals Game; It's Bad


If you watched Monday's game between the St. Louis Cardinals and New York Yankees, you probably thought the pitch-calling behind the plate was atrocious. 

You're not wrong, it was. 

Umpire Scorecards of Twitter released Ed Hickox's scorecard from the game, which showed that Hickox had 92% accuracy in pitch calling, calling 206 of 223 pitches correctly. 

However, the calls he missed were very impactful, resulting in +3.01 runs for the Cardinals. The Cardinals won 12-9.

Three runs in favour of a team from missed calls is unheard of. That's pretty unacceptable. 

Here are some of the calls. 

Games like these make the robo-umps seem very appealing to fans on the losing side, and the fact that the league doesn't seem to make these umps accountable for their terrible games is very frustrating as well. 

Each season we appear to get closer and closer to the robot umps. 

Photo Credit: Charles LeClaire-USA TODAY Sports