"Absolutely Disgusting, Unacceptable": Ex-GM Wants Braves To Sue Ozuna For Breach Of Contract
Now, the news of Ozuna's arrest on DUI charges overnight have left many observers angry. According to former MLB GM Jim Bowden, the latest developments are "a punch in the gut for his teammates" and the organization, and is "absolutely disgusting... unacceptable."
Bowden said on MLB Network Radio this morning, "if I'm (Braves GM Alex Anthopoulos), the player is released unconditionally. I don't even need the conversation anymore. I don't need him to walk into the clubhouse and apologize to the players, I don't need him to apologize to me.
"I'm gonna release the player and file suit and try to get out of the guaranteed contract. (I'd) talk about the damages he's done to the Braves organization, both last year and this year... I'm gonna get the lawyers in the office right away."
Hard to argue with a single thing that Bowden said.
The next move is up to the Braves.
Photos: Kyle Ross-USA TODAY Sports