David Ortiz Calls Boston Writer "A**hole" For Leaving Him Off Hall of Fame Ballot
David Ortiz is a Boston Red Sox legend. His 20 years in Beantown featured 541 home runs, 3 World Series rings, and an MVP. He is certainly beloved in Boston.
Boston Globe writer Dan Shaughnessy has been in Boston for twice that long—40 years—covering the Red Sox. Is he as beloved as Big Papi?
Maybe not, after he left Ortiz off his Hall of Fame ballot for this year. He only had one name checked-off—Jeff Kent.
And how does Big Papi feel about being snubbed by Shaughnessy? He appeared on a WEEI radio in Boston this week to enunciate his feelings:
You know Dan Shaughnessy has been an a**hole to everybody, so what can I tell you?... He’s got no damn power, bro. You know that. He’s just got the power of the pen to write whatever he believe on. But everybody knows that he’s an a**hole. What else can you do?
Ortiz failed a PED test back in 2003, and although it's been mostly forgotten about in Boston, Shaughnessy has a longer memory than that. He is clearly of the 'steroid users don't belong in the Hall' contingent, as he also submitted a ballot last year that contained only Jeff Kent's name.
Ortiz is currently sitting in the low-to-mid '80s percentage range, needing a 75% total for election when all the ballots are counted and announced on Jan. 25th.
Roger Clemens, who put up Hall of Fame numbers while a member of the Red Sox, along with Barry Bonds, both of whom have had a lot of their accomplishments besmirched by suspected (obvious?) steroid use in the 2nd half of their careers, are each in their final year of eligibility, and are teetering perilously close to being shut out for good.