Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Will Not Be Blasting Bombs at Coors HR Derby
Anyone who saw the show Vladimir Guerrero Jr. put on at the 2019 Home Run Derby will be shedding a tear today to hear that he has decided NOT to participate this year.
Vladdy blasting bombs into the high-altitude air of Coors Field in Colorado would have been a spectacular sight to behold. But Guerrero has decided it just wasn’t a priority for him this time around.
Vladimir Guerrero Jr. has decided not participate at this year's Home Run Derby.
— Hazel Mae (@thehazelmae) June 21, 2021
He's looking forward to being at the All Star Game in Colorado but told me he'd like to use the time to regroup, refresh mentally for the second half of the season. #BlueJays
Given the propensity of some hitters to come out of the Home Run Derby and go into prolonged slumps, this could be the right decision for MLB's co-HR leader. Guerrero also says he wants to use the time to "regroup" and "refresh mentally".
Vlad Guerrero Jr. has decided he will not participate in the All Star Game Home Run Derby. I think its a good decision. Why? I have seen it both mess up swings and tire players for the second half.
— Bernie Pleskoff (@BerniePleskoff) June 21, 2021
At the 2019 event in Cleveland, Guerrero put on an explosive show, setting multiple records, including 29 HR in an epic first round, and 91 overall.